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Open letter ......!

Open letter ......!

Open letter ......!

Girl you know, I love ...
The way you might love your pillow,
Or in the corner of the chest of drawers of the house,
Keep to yourself
The color of the shirt,
In which you are still yours,
Find the scent of adolescence ...!
You know i love you
Anyway, at every moment I am squeezing myself to keep the middle class in the middle of the society ...
Did you know that except for the sidewalk, you will ever get mad ...?
Do you believe that someone will bow down to you in the square of God...!
I don't think I'll find you at the end of the day, so I'm a gambler today,
Drugs haven't pulled me in for hundreds of years,
But today it is the responsibility of one side to live well,
Makes me feel addicted to good luck all day ...
The day I tell you, you stared in amazement,
Avoid your clothes and smell like I'm the only one who gets it,
I touched your pazar with your love ...
Even at this age,
My boundless mind,
Emotion rule requires a guardian,
I first learned that by watching you ...!
I grew up in the midst of all sorts of petty accusations and arrogance ...
But you know I want a little rule today ...
You don't even know
How lucky I am to look you in the eye ...
The evening I witnessed your open hair, I said in a loud voice like Kabir Sumon - "I want you, I just want you"
Just at that moment, the surprise in your surprised eyes just snatched me away,
No one else will ever get ...
Tell me how much you can dive into the eyes of a murderer ..!
Today, I like to stand in front of the mirror,
It's nice to see yourself scrutinizing,
Because this face is still staring at you ...
Lately I've been listening less to music, more to singing ...
After 6 years, when that night, without the guitar in hand again, I went back to the campus stairs ...
I understand lost times just like you,
Gives strange courage to keep one side in the middle of not getting ...

Last but not least, the headline made you read this article.
Find a tired envelope at the right address ...


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