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bismillah alhamdulillah wa salatu was-salam ala rasulillah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

bismillah alhamdulillah wa salatu was-salam ala rasulillah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam 
rubbish rallies Adri we're certainly amry well alert and mainly sunny of coca-cola emini rabbul aalameen assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu okay so honestly I'm a little jealous because sister Linda got a better  salons than I did so can we try this one more time miss Meena assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu does a cloth hate and I needed that because this is my first time at the Economist convention thank you so every morning we wake up and we check our phones we check to see how many likes our pics got our friends pics got and even our frenemies got on Facebook and Instagram and then we go on snapchat to see what amazing adventures our friends have been up to and everyone's life seems so perfect oftentimes we compare our own lives with bthe lives of others that we see on social media and then we're saddened we start to think about how we can mask our sadness and portray a happy life and social media has made us a little obsessed with this notion of having a perfect life and when we don't feel like our lives are perfect we become unhappy and there  are so many reasons why we are sad one of which is the fact that we're forgetting that this life was never meant to be perfect every single one of us in this room every single one of us on earth is tested in one way or another and how can I say that with such confidence because allah subhanaw taala made it very clear that this world isn't Jenna so it isn't perfect and he told us well Anna blue and Nicole Boucher and min al hafi well Juhi when auxin  Minnelli and while he will unfussy was Samaras were best sheila's Zabbaleen he said and we will surely test you with something of fear now what is fear fear is an emotion Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will test us with our emotions and then he said and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits all things that may make us sad or anxious but then allah subhanaw taala gives us hope and says give glad tidings to the patients and sometimes Shaitaan tricks us and he tells us that if we're feeling sad or anxious that that means that we don't  have faith that that means allah  subhanho wa taala is angry with us and that's not true sadness and anxiety are a part of this life sadness and anxiety are natural emotions that allah subhanaw taala created in us and everyone experiences these feelings and a certain degree of worry and anxiety exists in every single one of us and it's completely normal and allah subhanaw taala created a wide range of emotions and that we will all experience these emotions even the prophet's peace and blessings be upon them all experience sadness and anxiety we all know that prophet yaqoob alehissallaam was so sad when he was separated from his son Yousef so sad that he cried so much that he lost his eyesight subhanAllah and we know that Mariam a woman who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us perfected her faith one of the very few women who actually perfected her faith  that while she was giving birth she was so anxious she was so sad that she actually said I wish I had died before this and I was long forgotten subhanAllah      
  our breaths now you don't believe me  right but the research suggests that certain types of breathing are extremely effective in helping with depression and anxiety and I'd like to show you all how if I can please ask you all to stand up thank you may Allah bless you and if I can ask you to please place one hand on your chest and one on your stomach smilla and at the count of three not yet at the count of three I'm gonna ask you to inhale through your nose and I'm gonna hold up five seconds you're gonna hold that inhale for five seconds so you're gonna take a big inhale and it's gonna take you five seconds to do it like this okay and then I'm gonna ask you to hold it for five seconds and I'll give you the cue and then I'm gonna ask you to release it slowly for five seconds okay are we okay okay bismillah one two three inhale one two three four five hold it one two three four five exhale slowly one two three four five really simple right but the research proves that doing that about five times just inhale holding exhale holding five times can lower your  levels of anxiety and sadness upon the ledges I can locate or may Allah bless you so doing this five times can significantly help and learning to use your breath is a very powerful tool and you know what's so awesome about this powerful tool you're doing it anyways it's free it's easy it doesn't require any equipment or anything external and you can do it anytime anywhere insha'Allah number two I said I was gonna share with you five things number one was breathing number two is turning to allah subhanho wa taala through salah DA and quran many studies now these are ecular scientific studies prove that prayer helps lessen the feelings of depression and anxiety subhanAllah and we all know that when the Prophet SAW said on was there was feeling sadness or anxious or he was going through difficulty he would rush to prayer right but did you know that when the prophet saw Salem was asked by Aisha of the allaha on her she asked him he aerosol Allah what was the saddest most difficult day of your life time of your life he said it was the time right after Khadijah rode long and  he passed away in his uncle passed away and he had went to thought if to make Dawa and they ridiculed him and they actually stolen him so he said that was the most difficult time of his life but did you know that right after this difficult time allah subhanaw taala gifted the prophet salallahu alaihe salam and gifted us all the ultimate remedy for anxiety and sadness and depression and negative thoughts and feelings and that is our five daily prayers right after thought if allah subhanaw taala invited the prophet saww said unto this rotten mirage and allah subhanaw taala gifted the Prophet the five daily prayers and told him the timings and these are so effective subhanAllah just your Salah especially at the times of day they're so effective in treating sadness dua is also a very powerful tool we all know that right we all heard the lecture is about dad and I want you all to close your eyes please and I can't see you all because of the lights but I'm gonna trust that everyone has their eyes closed and they want you to think of something that made you sad or anxious recently maybe you're anxious about the results of your blood work or sad about maybe your spouse losing their job or maybe you're worried about an upcoming exam whatever it may be by the way are your eyes closed good job now I want you to reflect upon this beautiful verse are the below human on a regime walk a lot of Bochum order oniy a study black on and near Lord said call upon me and I will surely most definitely respond to you allah subhanho wa taala right now here's you and the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that allah subhanaw taala is shy and generous he shy that if we ask him for something that he wouldn't give us it and he's generous in the fact that he gives us more than we asked for so I want you right now to make a dot to ask Allah sapanta because each and every one of us is going through something difficult and I want you to have certainty that allah subhan tell is hearing you and that Allah SWA Dada will respond to you did you know that every morning and every evening the prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam actually asked allah he made a door to Allah to protect him from depression and anxiety and he taught us to do the same every single day once he saw a man who was sad and anxious and he told him shall I not teach you something that if you say it Allah will remove your worry and relieve your debts and the man said of course yes ya rasul allah salallahu alaihe salam and the Prophet SAW Sodom said say this every morning and every evening allahumma inni Oulu bika min L Hemi well Hassan Abu Bakr Mennella a doozie well Castle well Ljubica min al jube knee well buckle who are you do bika min akalabeth dein vokul region oh allah   it will grow each and every one of us is blessed in so many different ways and Shaitaan whispers and he gets us to focus and pay attention to what's going wrong in our lives and to completely forget everything that's going right so pay attention to the good and actually look for it think of blessings in your life and be grateful for them there are so many countless studies that prove that practicing gratitude does wonders for our mental and emotional health and it helps especially with depression and anxiety and when we practice gratitude we increase the levels of dopamine and serotonin in our brains which cause us to be happier and if you can't think of something good that's going on in your life I'm gonna remind you of this amazing hadith in which the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no fatigue nor disease nor sorrow nor sadness nor hurt nor distress befalls a Muslim even if they were just pricked with a thorn except that allah subhanho wa taala expiates some of their sins for that so when you're going through a hard time if you can't think of something to be grateful for be grateful for the fact that while you're going through this hard time your sins are getting erased al hamdulillah and remember that allah subhanaw taala proclaims he made an announcement wala in Shakur tomb Reseda nakum if you are grateful I will surely increase you hamdulillah number 4 smile many studies suggest that even when you force a smile it can lead to a change in your mood they've even done a study where they've asked subjects to put something in their mouth to force their lips to go up and through that study they found that even though it was forced it was a piece of plastic in their mouth their mood changed and they became happier just by faking a smile and you know the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told us don't belittle any good deeds and don't belittle even if you were to meet your brother a sister with a smiling face and subhanAllah I've actually experienced this firsthand a few years ago I was going to the local mass center in my area to give a ha'la'tha and to be completely honest I was having a horrible day and it was very sad and when I got there I was thinking Allah I really don't want to do this but I have to and so I got out of my car and I was walking and as I got to the door a little girl saw me ran to the door and opened it and she had this big smile on her face so I felt  barrassed I felt shy not to smile back and so I did and a few minutes later I realized that I wasn't sad anymore and so remember that you have the ability right now to smile do it smile try it and remember it's a charity right the Prophet SAW son said to smile in your brother's face or your sister's face is a charity number 5 last but not least spend time with your loved ones family support is so beneficial and when the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salem felt anxious felt afraid was worried who did he go - he went to Hadid yodel dullahan huh and he found that support in her and so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala created us as social creatures if you're feeling sad reach out to someone I recently read a study that was very interesting they found out that physical touch from someone you know someone you care about can be as effective as antidepressants so they took women who were experiencing postpartum depression and they had their husbands hug them touch them and then they monitored them and they found that the results were very significant they were amazing that it reduced the depression and these women subhanAllah in another study that I read they had  people go into an MRI machine and they would tell them we're gonna zap you on your foot and it's gonna hurt and when no one was around and they got zapped it was very painful when a stranger was with them holding their hand it was still painful but when they brought a loved one in and the loved one held their hand the parts of their brain that processed pain didn't light up like they did before so they found out that physical touch is so effective and Subhan Allah there are so many chemicals that are released in our like oxytocin that make us feel good when we're touched and think about it the prophet sallallaahu Lee was salam he used to hug and and shake hands and embrace his companions and his loved ones and were even taught and encouraged as Muslims to do what to shake each other's hands right the Prophet SAW some said that when you shake someone's hands your sins fall subhanAllah and my time is up but I want you to remember that if these tips don't help if you've done these things and your feelings of sadness of worry of anxiety your negative thoughts and feelings are persistence are overwhelming to the point that it's affecting your life your relationships it's affecting your work your school if it's affecting your social life you're sleeping and eating habits if it's affecting the things that you used to love if you used to love to do things and now you don't want to do anything anymore please please please please reach out to someone reach out to a mental health professional make sure that they're licensed and know that insha'Allah they can help you because Allah sapanta and the Prophet SAW Sunday taught us that for every disease there's what there's a cure and know that depression like other psychological ailments can be caused by a physical hormonal or chemical imbalance and that the same way a person who had hyperthyroidism for example has a hormonal imbalance and would go and see an endocrinologist and they wouldn't feel bad about it they wouldn't think twice about it we shouldn't think twice about our mental health either or our mind is a beautiful Amana from Allahsubhana WA Ta'ala and he'll ask us about it and i ask allah subhanaw taala by his beautiful names and his perfect attributes to make the quran a healing for us all and I ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that he replaces our sadness with happiness and joy and our anxiety with peace of mind and that I pray that the same way he gathered us all here tonight that he gathers us all in genital for those with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and jazakomallahu khayran wasalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi regarding
I seek refuge in you from anxiety and sadness i seek refuge in you yah Allah from the inability and laziness I seek refuge in you yeah Allah from cowardice and miser leanness and I seek refuge in Nooyi allah from being overwhelmed by debts and the force of men Spinola and the Sahabi who the Prophet's hasn't taught this door to said i did this recommendation of the prophet salallahu alaihe salam and i wear allah subhanaw taala eased my anxieties and my burden of debt subhanAllah take time out to recite and to reflect upon the Quran a loss of Hanwha tell appalls the quran a healing and he says it's a healer of the heart connect with the Quran daily you know subhanAllah Ramadan is around the corner and Ramadan is the month of Quran make sure that you start from now even if it's just a verse a day make that connection with the healer of the hearts with the Quran number three look for the good and when you do I promise
we even know that our beloved prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam experienced sadness in his life there was even a period of time in his life called Ahmad Hasan the year are the time of sadness and when experiencing times of distress we have to remember that yes allah subhanho wa taala did tell us he gave us the heads up and told us that we were going to be tested but guess what at the same time he said lay you can live allahu nafsan illa wus aha' allah subhanho wa taala will not burden a soul more than it can bear so know that you are strong and that allah subhanaw taala is telling us that we can overcome whatever challenges come our way and that the fact is is that were given these challenges because he knows were strong enough to handle them and oftentimes we underestimate our abilities but allah subhanahu wa taala knows how resilient and strong he created us and I'd like to take a moment to clarify that depression anxiety disorder and negative thoughts are three different types of ailments but inshallah tonightI would like to share with you a few tips to help us through difficult times I'd like to share with you five things that we can do to help ourselves or encourage someone else to do when they're experiencing sadness worry or unpleasant thoughts and these five tips are from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW salem but also backed by the latest scientific and psychological research and there are so many factors in life that we can't control but these are things that we can actually start doing right now and everyone in this room can do them and inshallah i'll show you how number one your breath and I know that sounds kind of weird because you're thinking sister dunia we're all breathing right now but the latestscientific findings are revenue revolutionary we can change the way we feel and change our emotions by using


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